Gas Measurements
Gas Measuring Station offers state-of-the-art facilities for gas measurement and environmentally friendly (de)gassing of containers. At Rotterdam’s Maasvlakte, we have two of our own branches, right next to the major container terminals.
We also operate mobile units at inland terminals and any other desired location in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. With our roots in logistics services, we also do more. We are a container depot (ADR), provide weighing (VGM), handle hazardous substances, unload with breathing protection, arrange road transport and assist Customs and NVWA in carrying out their inspections. Just to be sure…
Gas Measurement
Harmful gases can enter containers in several ways. First, they may have been added to the container in the country of origin. Examples include substances such as methyl bromide and hydrogen phosphide. These can occur in all containers that have been gassed. In containers that are not gassed but contain harmful substances, the gases and vapours originate from the products. In addition, it is also possible that these gases come from the packaging material. As a final possibility, harmful gases and vapours may also occur in the container as a result of cargo leakage.
Besides our drive-in at the Maasvlakte, it is also possible to provide on-site gas measurements. At your premises, your customer’s premises or at various inland terminals.
Container rejected but now what? Some toxic gases in containers come from the cargo itself or the packaging material and are released, for example, by the hardening of materials used in the process. Other substances are put in specifically to preserve products or control pests (such as methyl bromide and phosphorus hydrocarbons). Opening and entering non-degassed containers in such cases can pose significant health risks.
Largest degassing site in the Netherlands
Gas Measuring Station has the most advanced and modern degassing facilities. With access to specially developed degassing racks that can ventilate more than 96 containers simultaneously. Using specially developed ‘suction nozzles’, containers can be degassed unopened.
Inland degassing locations
If your container is rejected elsewhere in the country, it can be degassed unopened at over 21 locations.
Container Depot
Gas Measurement Drive-Through
At the Maasvlakte depot, it is possible to make use of a one-stop-shop so that the container can be directly measured for gas. Fast and efficient!
If the container is rejected, we have the option of removing the container from chassis and connecting it to ventilation. Based on the measured value(s), among other things, the re-measurement on the container will be scheduled.
VGM weighing
By registering your weighing in advance by e-mail, you can drop by whenever it suits you, within our wide opening hours. Besides weighing (export) containers, it is also possible to weigh a Flatrack or Open top with chains at Gasmeetstation.
Container storage (ADR)
Gasmeetstation offers a total container storage capacity for over 1,800 TEU. Part of this is available for the storage of hazardous goods containers. However, there are many requirements attached to this and the containers must always be registered in advance with a DGD or MSDS.
”Choosing the right fiscal representative is like choosing a business partner – crucial for success.”
With over 25,000 m2 of warehouse on the Maasvlakte, Gasmeetstation has ample possibilities for storage, cross-docking and assisting Customs with physical checks. Our warehouse is both AEO and ISPM15 certified. From storage (ADR), transhipment to crossdocking.
Unloading with breathing protection
If a container cannot be cleared of gas fast enough or if goods are urgent (e.g. leaflet articles), we can take immediate action and unload the container with breathing protection. This is possible at our Maasvlakte location, but can also be arranged in the country upon request.
Ventilated trailers
Gas Measuring Station has 10 of its own specially ventilated trailers, making it possible to tranship goods so that they can reach their final destination quickly. Depending on the substances and concentrations, different PPE can be used. Even high-risk flows can thus be delivered to customers’ premises quickly and efficiently.
Physical checks
If it is a physical inspection (FYCO) at our terminal, Gasmeetstation arranges the appointment with Customs and the gas measurement, so you do not have to worry about this. Gasmeetstation also assists Customs with the inspection
Fumigation / BMSB treatment
To prevent cargo in containers from being affected by mould or pests, it is possible to fumigate the container, also known as ‘fumigation’. A number of types of treatments are possible with regard to pests. Depending on the type of goods and requirements of recipient, a treatment can be selected.
Fumigation with Sulfuryl fluoride
Sulfurylfluoride is most suitable for wooden goods. Officially, it is also an ISPM-15 treatment. In addition, Sulfurylfluoride can also be used for removal goods, for example.
BMSB Treatment
Gas Measuring Station can treat your goods, containers and products against the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in accordance with Australia’s country requirement. We carry out so-called BMSB treatments by means of heat treatment, among other things.
CA (Controlled atmosphere) treatment
With controlled atmosphere, oxygen is extracted from the container. By doing this for a longer duration, all insects, including larvae and eggs, have no chance of surviving.
Optionally, this can also be combined with heat, speeding up the process.
Fumigation with Fosfine
Fumigation with Fosfine is suitable for loads containing foodstuffs. The container is dropped off at our premises for treatment, with the container being put under gas. After the
treatment, the container will be gas-free and you will receive a fumigation certificate.
Heat treatment (HT) according to ISPM-15
In many cases, heat treatment is a requirement from the country of destination, where timber must meet the requirements set out in ISPM-15. This treatment can be carried out on a complete container or loose pallets in one of the heat chambers. Here, the core of the wood is heated to 56 degrees Celsius for at least 30 minutes.
Container transports are carried out by us on a daily basis. Usually locally between deep-sea terminal and our own locations, but also container and trailer transport to final destination and, if necessary, equipped with gas metering.
We have the ability to take out containers in advance where it is suspected, or previous measurements have shown, that this flow is often rejected. Containers are then driven to our site, measured immediately and connected for degassing if necessary. The main advantage here is that there is no error trip, in addition, setup at our terminal is often faster than at large container terminals.
Ventilated trailers
Containers that are difficult to degasify, or when there is great urgency for goods in rejected containers, we can unload and deliver them with respiratory protection in specially ventilated trailers. This transport can be carried out to any location in the Netherlands, but also outside our borders. This gives you quick and safe access to your goods.